A Flemish industry that is carbon-circular and low in CO2 by 2050: context analysis and roadmap study

In 2020, a context analysis/roadmap study was conducted within Moonshot at the request of Flemish minister for Innovation and Economy Hilde Crevits and VLAIO, the Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Goal of this study is to identify the most promising transition paths to achieve the Moonshot ambition: a Flemish industry that is carbon-circular and low in CO2 by 2050.

Study Findings

The findings of the study have been published in several sub-reports. Click the links below to download the PDF versions of these reports (in Dutch). For your convenience, the entire study has also been summarized in a 30-page report (in Dutch).

  1. Internationale positionering, status en potentieel van Vlaanderen – Beschrijving van de Vlaamse industrie met haar emissies, energieverbruik en economische meerwaarde. Toelichting van de technologische opties en uitdagingen met betrekking tot klimaatneutraliteit.
  2. Huidige positionering van de Vlaamse kennisinstellingen – Beschrijving van de competenties en knowhow van de Vlaamse kennisinstellingen.
  3. Evaluatie Moonshot Onderzoekstrajecten (MOTs) – Beschrijving en evaluatie van de Moonshot Onderzoekstrajecten en identificatie van enkele verbeterpunten.
  4. Transitiepotentieel van de Vlaamse industrie, roadmapstudie en ontwerp van transitiekader – Modellering van de industriële transitie om aan de klimaatdoelstellingen te voldoen, mits vastklikken van een aantal randvoorwaarden. Op basis van deze modellering wordt een roadmap en transitiekader uitgestippeld.
  5. Flankerend beleid voor een koolstofcirculaire en CO2-arme industrie in Vlaanderen – Beleidsadviezen op basis van voorgaande deelrapporten.


The context analysis/roadmap study was commissioned by VLAIO, with research being conducted by Deloitte, Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Institute of European Studies (VUB-IES), Antwerp Management School and Climact. Additionally, the Wuppertal Institute took on an active advising role by adding independent international expertise.

During the study, experts and stakeholders from industries, sector federations, knowledge institutes and governments were consulted to achieve maximal support for its findings. Spearhead cluster Catalisti, host of Moonshot, was also intensively involved.